

fileNameFromPath: ((filePath) => string) = fileNameFromPath

Type declaration

    • (filePath): string
    • Parameters

      • filePath: string

      Returns string

getDirectories: ((dirPath) => string[]) = getDirectories

Type declaration

    • (dirPath): string[]
    • Parameters

      • dirPath: string

        Relative or absolute path to directory to get all directories from

      Returns string[]

getFiles: ((dirPath, extensions?, omitTsExtensionForJs?) => string[]) = getFiles

Type declaration

    • (dirPath, extensions?, omitTsExtensionForJs?): string[]
    • Returns an array of filePaths when given a target path, and a list of extensions to look for


      • dirPath: string

        Relative or absolute path to directory to get all files from

      • extensions: string | string[] = jsSourceFileExtensions

        File extension(s) to include when filtering files, including the "." character is optional

      • omitTsExtensionForJs: boolean = false

        Whether to include Typescript files when Javascript files are included

      Returns string[]

getProjectRelativePath: ((source) => string) = getProjectRelativePath

Type declaration

    • (source): string
    • Returns the path relative to the project root directory


      • source: string

      Returns string

jsSourceFileExtensions: string[] = jsSourceFileExtensions
projectRoot: string = projectRoot