

findResource: (<T>(client, id, accessor, fetchOptions?) => Promise<undefined | T>) = findResource

Type declaration

    • <T>(client, id, accessor, fetchOptions?): Promise<undefined | T>
    • Find a resource across all clusters. This is useful for finding resources that are not cached on the current cluster.

      Note: You can provide any Type for T, but you should consider only using the API types (e.g. APIChannel, APIGuild, APIRole, etc.) as functions etc. aren't preserved in broadcast eval

      Type Parameters

      • T extends APIChannel | APIGuild | APIRole | APIGuildMember


      Returns Promise<undefined | T>

      The resource if found, otherwise undefined

hasCluster: ((client) => client is ClientWithCluster) = hasCluster

Type declaration

requireCluster: ((client) => ClientWithCluster) = requireCluster

Type declaration