This class is responsible for logging to files. It's used by the console logger, and is not meant to be used directly.



combinedTransport: DailyRotateFile
debugTransport: DailyRotateFile
errorTransport: DailyRotateFile
httpTransport: DailyRotateFile
id: string
infoTransport: DailyRotateFile
logger: Logger
sillyTransport: DailyRotateFile
verboseTransport: DailyRotateFile
warnTransport: DailyRotateFile
default: {
    datePattern: string;
    directory: string;
    maxFiles: string;
    maxSize: string;
    zippedArchive: boolean;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • datePattern: string
  • directory: string
  • maxFiles: string
  • maxSize: string
  • zippedArchive: boolean
logFormat: Format = logFormat